The Section II Sorted Pack

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Do you just want to get your Section II sorted?

There’s 316 pages of content here, some 120,000 words, which as Dr Scott Fraser of Fraser’s GAMSAT put it when I was up to 40k words was “nearly” a thesis.

Immediate download available upon payment.

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Seven books of golden content (316 pages, approx 120,000 words)

The Philosophy of Section II Success (how I scored 91, back when it was absurd to even think of someone doing it; and got 82 overall. We cover here the approach to GAMSAT that works, and the psychometric features of high scoring Section 2 writing)

How to Kick *ss in Task A (line-by-line through the 90plusgamsat Task A approach)

The Ideal Task B (line-by-line through the 90plusgamsat Task B approach)

One Month to Go (the killer mindset in the last month)

Twenty of the Best (Michael's 20 best essays, showcasing the style developed by him to maximally show off high scoring qualities)

Twenty Ways Other Winners Did It (Essays from Michael's best students, showing it's not just one freak, but an engineered and repeatable approach)

The Perfect Portfolio (how to present yourself in the best way possible for applications to med school)

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